• Ethanol works just fine • Stop burning pallets on the beach • Wedding permits Ethanol works just fine Aloha, this is for that letter written by Mr. Love (June 13: Ethanol a non-starter). Sorry, but he is so wrong
• Ethanol works just fine • Stop burning pallets on the beach • Wedding permits
Ethanol works just fine
Aloha, this is for that letter written by Mr. Love (June 13: Ethanol a non-starter).
Sorry, but he is so wrong about the ethanol and I can prove it this Saturday at the car show on Kaua‘i.
First, the gas here in Hawai‘i was mandated to take out the anti-knock additive called MTBE, which is a big cause of cancer.
To replace it with ethanol was to be put in by 10 percent, but it’s only 6 percent at most. I will show the people at the car show this Saturday how much octane and ethanol is really in the gas. I will burn the ethanol in a glass pie plate alongside gas in another plate, and you will see how clean the ethanol burns and how black the gas burns.
Brazil has been on ethanol for 57 years with no problems. All of the Indy cars run 100 percent ethanol for the last four years, and I have run ethanol in all of my cars and truck for the last four years.
Whatever I say, I can prove it if anyone wants. So please, Mr. Love, come to the show this Saturday.
George Nitta, Honolulu
Stop burning pallets on the beach
Have you seen Shipwreck Beach lately? There are bonfire mounds all over the beach. Bonfires made with pallets. Pallets leave nails in the sand, lots of them.
This morning I ran into officer Tavares of DLNR at Shipwrecks. I asked him if this was legal. He said absolutely not. There were four unburned pallets on the beach and officer Tavares and I put them in his truck to be disposed of.
I doubt these fires are the work of Shipwrecks regulars. So I call on all the regular beach users to remind people not to burn pallets. How would it be if your daughter or son stepped on a nail and had to get a tetanus shot? If you don’t want to get involved just call Hyatt security at 742-1234, and they will call the police.
I know this also happens at other beaches like Salt Pond. It is time to stop this dangerous practice. These are our playgrounds, lets all take care of them.
Mahalo to officer Tavares and the 11 other over-worked DLNR Kaua‘i officers for a job well done.
Nick Galante, ‘Oma‘o
Wedding permits
Since we need to have a permit to get married on the beach and a reverend who charges the couple for the service performed, which is very uncalled for, shouldn’t a reverend need a permit to hold church services on the beach? And shouldn’t they need a permit to baptize in the ocean? I don’t think so.
Are we living in Las Vegas, where a reverend can sell his or her services for money? Most reverends I know usually accept a donation that would be given to them in secret after the service was performed.
I wonder what Jesus would have done in the situation Rev. Kube was in. My guess is he would have performed the service, given the happy couple his blessing, and moved on with his teachings.
Although Rev. Kube has apologized and was sincere, hopefully she has learned to just do her business and then move on.
Howard Tolbe, ‘Ele‘ele