Editor’s note: Old-timers might still remember the introduction from The Shadow radio program: “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!” Jerome Freitas, a retired state Department of Transportation worker who is now better known
Editor’s note: Old-timers might still remember the introduction from The Shadow radio program: “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!” Jerome Freitas, a retired state Department of Transportation worker who is now better known as Da Shadow, since 2004 has been meeting with government representatives about problems he has discovered or that have been reported to him, and reporting the county’s responses.
Olohena Road, Kapa‘a
Da Shadow: (Sept. 6) The crosswalk on Olohena Road across from the skating rink needs to be restriped. When will this be done?
County: (Sept. 20) This crosswalk has been inspected and is not in a condition that requires re-striping at this time.
Public Works Solid Waste Division
Da Shadow: (Sept. 6) What is the job description of the Environmental Services Management Engineer, who oversees the Solid Waste Division of the Department of Public Works?
County: (Sept. 20) This position is responsible for overseeing the activities of the Solid Waste Division of the Department of Public Works, to include: overall administration of solid waste disposal programs; planning of new or expansion of solid waste disposal facilities and closure or post closure care for closed facilities; research, planning and design of source reduction, recycling, special waste management, and public education/awareness programs; promoting infrastructure, markets, and end uses for recycled materials.
Swinging Bridges
Da Shadow: (Sept. 6) When was the last time the County inspected these structures for stability and safety?
County: (Sept. 20) The Building Division conducts quarterly maintenance inspections of these bridges. The last inspections were July for Hanapepe and Keapana, and August for Waimea.
Upper Kapahi Reservoir
Da Shadow: (Sept. 6) This reservoir hasn’t had water for about a year or so. Farmers are impacted. DLNR states that they ware waiting on County Public Works to issue permits before they can begin to restore the reservoir. What is the timeline for this?
County: (Sept. 20) The county is currently reviewing road permits for this project. We have been working cooperatively with DLNR to address the issues at Upper Kapahi Reservoir, with the ultimate goal to bring it back into operation if feasible. These issues are complicated and costly, and will take some time to resolve. We continue to work actively with DLNR, and recently solicited input from the users of the reservoir, in this effort. Once a plan of action has been developed and funding secured, we can work toward permitting.
Wailua Reservoir, Loop Road
Da Shadow: (Sept. 6) This reservoir has dried up. Is anything being done to restore it?
County: (Sept. 20) You are referring to the Wailua or “Sloggett” reservoir, which is a state asset. We’ve posed this question to the State Department of Land and Natural Resources and will respond when we’ve heard back from them.