KAPA‘A – A portion of Moanakai Road along Fuji Beach in Kapa‘a will be closed to thru traffic today from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The closure will allow the county’s contractor Earthworks Pacific Inc. to repave and make improvements
KAPA‘A – A portion of Moanakai Road along Fuji Beach in Kapa‘a will be closed to thru traffic today from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The closure will allow the county’s contractor Earthworks Pacific Inc. to repave and make improvements to the roadway from the Makaha Road junction to Lihi Park.
The project is part of the multi-use path, Ke Ala Hele Makalae, the path that goes by the sea.
Motorists wanting to go to Lihi Park or the boat ramp will need to take Kaloloku Road to reach their destination.
Motorists are also advised to use caution while driving through the area, obey all traffic control devices and to allow extra traveling time.
Anyone with questions can call Bill McCune with Earthworks 651-9989 or Galen Gokan with SSFM International at 245-3075.