KAPA‘A — Users of the public Kapa‘a Swimming Pool could be faced with the possibility of having to use “interim toilets” for several years — or until the pool is relocated elsewhere — according to county officials.
“Due to deterioration of the structure in the men’s and women’s restrooms at the Kapa‘a pool, these restrooms have been closed for public and staff use and will eventually be demolished,” county spokeswoman Beth Tokioka said Wednesday.
The administration placed portable, ADA-accessible toilets at the facility, to allow the public to continue using the pool, she said. Additionally, an outdoor shower is available.
“The Department of Parks and Recreation is looking at a more robust interim restroom/shower facility that could be placed at the pool,” Tokioka said. “However, we will have to fully explore what type of permitting might be required.”
Tokioka said these “interim toilet facilities” will be used at the pool until a new pool is built elsewhere. In the foreseeable future, the administration has no plans to close Kapa‘a Swimming Pool, she said.
“Parks is anticipating five to eight years before a new pool facility can be located and constructed to serve the long-term use of the Kapa‘a community,” Tokioka said.
In the Six-Year Capital Improvements Programs report delivered to the Kaua‘i County Council by the administration in January 2011, the administration laid out plans to have the Kapa‘a Swimming Pool and the nearby Kapa‘a Neighborhood Center relocated by 2018, at an estimated cost of $20.75 million.
“The entire scope of work includes a needs assessment, land identification, facility design, permitting and construction costs,” the report states.
On March 21, 2012, Parks and Recreation Director Lenny Rapozo unveiled to the council several projects to be proposed in the upcoming Parks and Recreation Master Plan. He said Kapa‘a New Town Park would go through a complete revamp, and would accommodate the relocation of the Kapa‘a Swimming Pool and a new neighborhood center.
At that time, Rapozo said plans for Kapa‘a Swimming Pool include turning it into a parking lot.