Free spring keiki swim

LIHUE — The Kauai Lifeguard Association and Swim Kauai Aquatics, with support from Duke’s Restaurant and Keoki’s Paradise, are teaching nearly 40 young people ranging in age from 5 to 18 years old how to swim during spring break.
“We started the free lessons on Monday at the Kauai High School pool,” said Jaime Arreola of KLA. “I’ve been here every day, and by Tuesday, you could see the improvement in the keiki.”
The free swimming lessons almost did not happen because of the clearances needed to use the swimming pool and school security clearances, Arreola said.
“But everything came together in the end,” Arreola said. “We didn’t have enough time to advertise, but still ended up with about 40 keiki and young people.”
The “learn to swim” format includes having people in the water in shifts of about 10 learners working with certified instructors for about half an hour at a time. There are allowances for the coaches to rest and have down time for the following classes throughout the three-hour day.
“Safety is our main concern,” Arreola said. “Our instructors include outstanding Kauai Interscholastic Federation swimmers who earned qualification for the state meet that are certified lifeguards and have certification as water safety instructors. We also have Kelcie Tanaka who is the Kauai High School swimming coach, and Rick Rascon who is the SKA Coach.”
The starting swimmers also have the option of continuing with SKA to learn competitive swimming in the pool.
Arreola is hopeful that more permanent arrangements can be arranged so these “learn to swim” classes can continue during the summer break and beyond.
Because, beyond the keiki, what about the kupuna, he asked.
“The parents I’ve spoken with are thankful and happy that we have this program,” Arreola said. “There is a need for this. One little girl finished her day by running by and saying, ‘This is a lot of fun! I’m so happy!’”