NAWILIWILI — Minji Hwang of the U.S. Army Recruiting Kauai said she could life a tractor-trailer tire. That came up while discussing the upcoming Menehune Challenge, a JROTC field obstacle challenge that will unfold Saturday morning, hosted by the Waimea High School JROTC battalion with participation from other JROTC units from Hawaii.
NAWILIWILI — Minji Hwang of the U.S. Army Recruiting Kauai said she could life a tractor-trailer tire. That came up while discussing the upcoming Menehune Challenge, a JROTC field obstacle challenge that will unfold Saturday morning, hosted by the Waimea High School JROTC battalion with participation from other JROTC units from Hawaii.
“I needed a team to do it,” said Hwang, whose Kauai rotation with the Army ends on Wednesday.
Hwang, her replacement, SSG Thomas Gipson, and SFC Isiah Romer were on hand at the Kauai Athletic Club in Lihue to announce the 500 Club, 1000 Club and 1500 Club that opened in partnership with the Kauai Athletic Club, a weight lifting honors society.
Eligibility to qualify for any of the clubs is open to any KAC member, and if qualified, the engraved dog tag will be posted on an awards board housed at the KAC Lihue.
To earn the engraved dog tag and membership into any of the clubs, the candidate must lift either 500 pounds, 1,000 pounds or 1,500 pounds, or more, through a combination of dead lift, squats or bench press. To be inducted, all lifts must be certified by a KAC official.
The engraved dog tag will contain the lifter’s name, date of the qualifying lift and the weight. and will be posted on special plaques that will be displayed at the Kauai Athletic Club’s Hall of Honor in the Lihue facility.
“The 500 Club is limited to females only,” Hwang said. “Additionally, the first 20 qualifiers will receive a special shirt in addition to having their name engraved onto a dog tag.”
For more information, visit the Kauai Athletic Club.