LIHUE — The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation DCR announced last month it had designated a piece of land as the preferred site for the future of Kauai’s Community Correctional Center KCCC. The institution now seeks public input on the relocation project.
The community has been invited to submit their suggestions, and feedback on KCCC’s new relocation project. The DCR launched its new website where individuals can review project details and share their thoughts on the proposed land.
During January’s “Pathways for Reentry from Incarceration: A Community Symposium for the Future of KCCC,” the panelists discussed the many issues that currently plague the institution, such as the tsunami and flood-prone zone it currently sits on along with staffing shortages; however, the relocation of the correctional facility was the main topic of discussion.
DCR revealed they had indeed identified a location and announced land off of Maalo Road in Lihue, owned by Grove Farm, as the preferred site. The land offers approximately 20 to 30 acres of usable land, access to infrastructure, and proximity to critical support services, including Kaulu I Ka Pono Academy, a treatment and education facility for at-risk youth.
Thus far, the Hawaii State Legislature has allocated $20 million for the relocation and redevelopment of KCCC.
“We want to ensure that this facility is designed to provide a rehabilitative and secure environment for inmates while also addressing community concerns,” said DCR Director Tommy Johnson.
“Community input is critical as we move forward in evaluating this potential site,” he shared.
The deadline to submit public input is on Tuesday, Feb. 25. The DCR website also provides a map presenting the seven potential sites selected for evaluation.
KCCC is a 48-year-old correctional facility that sits on 9.5 acres of flood-prone pastoral land along Kuhio Highway in Lihue. It holds up to 128 men and women with pretrial misdemeanors, pretrial felons, sentenced misdemeanors, those on probation, and parole violators.
For decades, the facility has endured flooding and infrastructure limitations. Moreover, the Department of Transportation’s planned expansion of Kuhio Highway would further impact the current site, necessitating the move.
The sites presented have been identified through a comprehensive effort to evaluate a subset of public and privately owned lands in Kauai. To view DCR’s seven potential sites or to provide feedback on KCCC’s relocation project, visit
Are you kidding, #7? The community is well aware that the County of Kauai and KPD have completely neglected this once beautiful beach and desirable tourist destination, but to consider the area as a possible sight for a prison is beyond absurd!
Lahaina/Housing order, please.