Melissa McFerrin Warrack had the hard job of distributing the ribbons to the Kauai Quilt Show winners, which ended on Wednesday at the Kauai Society of Artists gallery at Kukui Grove. Congratulations to not only the ribbon winners but all the people who submitted quilts (and mini quilts) for the more than 3,000 people who took in the annual event sponsored by the Kauai Quilt Guild, Nene Quilters, Discount Fabric Warehouse, and Vicky’s Fabrics.
Melissa McFerrin Warrack had the hard job of distributing the ribbons to the Kauai Quilt Show winners, which ended on Wednesday at the Kauai Society of Artists gallery at Kukui Grove. Congratulations to not only the ribbon winners but all the people who submitted quilts (and mini quilts) for the more than 3,000 people who took in the annual event sponsored by the Kauai Quilt Guild, Nene Quilters, Discount Fabric Warehouse, and Vicky’s Fabrics.
Toni Wass (she’s with Vicky’s Fabrics, too) said the mid-year quilt show comes up in August and will be running when the Kauai County Farm Bureau and Kukui Grove celebrate agriculture in August … does this tie in with when the Kauai County Farm Bureau Fair used to run?
Jean Souza (she scored at least two trays of 2 Ladies Kitchen mochi from the Halau Ka Lei Mokihana O Leinaala craft fair) said Saturday is Ocean Count, and The Cliffs with Jim Braman is a new viewing site for this month’s count. Maybe we’ll stop by Port Allen on the way to the Waimea Town Celebration (hmm, I wonder if any of those canoe racers have to deal with humpback whales since they race so far away from shore).
So now that February is pau, next week we celebrate Ola Ka ‘I (how many remember how good this program was in 2024?) at the Kukui Grove Center on March 1. And, without skipping a beat, Aldrine Guerrero (how many remember him from the WTC Scotty’s Music Ukulele Contest?) and his Academy join the Read Across America readers on March 2, Dr. Seuss’s birthday.
And are we doing anything for Hinamatsuri (Girls’ Day) at the Pau Hana Market?
Dennis Fujimoto can be reached at 245-0453 or at