BLNR approves Haena comfort station
HAENA — The state Board of Land and Natural Resources, hereafter shortened to BLNR, on Friday gave its approval to Hui Makaainana, the nonprofit steward of the Haena State Park, for the construction of a comfort station and septic system improvements at the very popular park.
According to a Department of Land and Natural Resources press release, the Hui chartered in 999, has an aina-based mission dedicated to perpetuating and protecting the natural and cultural resources of the Haena State Park. This mission was the driving force behind establishing the first Community-Based Subsistence Fishing Area in Hawaii and continues working closely with the DLNR Division of Aquatic Resources in its ongoing management.
The comfort station project, being done under the auspices of the DLNR Division of State Parks, is the first of its kind where a nonprofit community group has not only led the design and planning process but is paying for the entire capital improvement project with non-government funding.
The Hui and its nonprofit partner, The Hanalei Initiative, operate the parking and shuttle system at the park. Over the past four years, operating revenues have been set aside for constructing the new comfort station in the parking lot where visitors and residents arrive.
The DLNR said this strategic location will not impact any cultural sites in the park, and the comfort stations will reduce the dependence on the only existing bathroom near Kee Beach and the Kalalau Trailhead. This is an environmentally and culturally sensitive area, the DLNR said.
This unprecedented project, important to the Haena community, is leading the way for a transformation within DLNR and the Division of State Parks which are looking to partner with additional community groups to better care for special areas across the state.
Division of State Parks Administrator Curt Cottrell said, “Over the years, many people have commented on the lack of restroom facilities at the parking lot. It is a five to 15-minute walk to the comfort station near the beach. Moreover, the new station should reduce the number of people who head into the trees (and planting areas) to relieve themselves, which will help protect the natural and cultural resources of Haena.”
While the number of parking spaces will be reduced during construction, it is anticipated residents and visitors can be accommodated through the modified parking plan and increased shuttle capacity.
Hui Makaainana o Makana intends to turn ownership of the newly constructed improvements over to the state on completion.