Stop talking and just do it please. Just jump in the deep-end and start swimming. Trust me, it’ll be OK. Yes, learn from others who’ve gone before you — but take that critical first step now, today … before you talk yourself out of it yet again.
I’m talking of course about getting ACTIVELY involved in the world of policy and politics. Whether as a grass-roots community “issue advocate,” an active member of a non-profit advocacy group, or candidate for election to public office — now, today, is the moment in time to start.
It’s the only way we win. And it’s not going to happen unless you step up. Without increased and sustained civic engagement from regular folks like you — people and the planet will lose (or rather will keep losing).
What does winning look like? For starters, it’s affordable housing and healthcare. It’s a world that values protecting our natural environment, clean water, air and food.
We’re not asking for much, but we’re not getting any of it — unless we each step up and take personal responsibility for our collective future.
Read “The Scheme” by U.S. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (Rhode Island). It’s about how dark money is taking over our government. It will blow you away.
We cannot win the money game. The only way to beat big money is through collective, individual, grass-roots action, starting at the local level.
Which is why I’m here today to encourage, cajole, plead, beg and hopefully inspire you to get more involved.
If you’re new at this, the first step is to take your concerns beyond social media, directly to the policymakers.
Start with the Hawaii State Legislature. The 2025 Regular Session opens on Jan. 15, at 10 a.m. The Capitol “Public Access Room” offers excellent and free advocacy training
Here’s an official, easy, online tool that provides the name and contact info of your own district state representative and senator:
For first-timers, perhaps start with a very short message:
“Aloha, As a constituent living in the district, I’m writing to request your support for publicly funded ‘Clean Elections,’ reform of ‘legislative rules’ to increase transparency, and strengthening of campaign spending laws. Thank you in advance for responding to this email so I might know your position on these important issues.”
Or, of course, choose whatever topic most important to you.
If you’re already sending email, submitting testimony and attending hearings — consider taking your advocacy to the next level by joining the Clean Elections Coalition, Common Cause, Our Hawaii, and the Hawaii Alliance for Progressive Action (HAPA) — for a Good Governance Lobby Day — Jan. 9 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Hawaii State Capitol.
This is a great way build relationships with legislators and other advocates. To attend, register at:
If you’re already actively involved, have roots in the community, and some proven track record of leadership (school or PTA involvement, soccer coach, canoe club, Rotary, small business, nonprofit, etc) — maybe it’s time to throw your hat in the ring and run for election.
2026 is right around the corner. If you’re serious about winning, now is the time to commit. If this is you, consider the HAPA Kuleana Academy —
There you have it. Three steps representing three levels of activity for those of you wanting to help change the world.
Please. Follow your naʻau. Take a step today. We need you.
Full disclosure. I’m the volunteer Board President of HAPA. The board sets policy and hires the ED who runs the organization.
Gary Hooser served eight years in the state Senate, where he was majority leader. He also served for eight years on the Kauai County Council. He presently writes on Hawaii policy and politics at