Happy Camper for Monday, September 23, 2024

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Kelsey Perreira, Kyla Malama, Karen Gray and Lynne Eliazar of Malama Tings enjoyed their first-ever pop-up, as part of the K+M Market during the K+M first anniversary at Kukui Grove.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Crystal Yap of K+M Kauai was interviewed by radio personality Ron Wiley on the store’s first anniversary at the Kukui Grove Center on Saturday, Sept. 21, 2024.

Sam Brown and Charles Fulks of Cheesesteak Sammy’s were ready for the crowd on Saturday at Grove Farm Market after “learning” all kinds of lessons during last week’s debut, and Isaiah Dosono of Kauai Kim Chee had to park his pizza oven trailer out of the line of food vendors because there wasn’t enough space. These are the two new vendors using September as try out months at the market where Bill Skelton, Rudy Sina and the Master Gardeners are getting ready for their Backyard Composting presentation that’s tying in with the Craft Fair component of Grove Farm Market coming up Oct. 5 (it’s the first Saturday of an even-numbered month).