United flight attendants green light strike

Jamm Aquino / Star-Advertiser

United Airlines flight attendant Kevin Batey, LEC President of United Airlines Council 14, leads fellow flight attendants in picketing and chanting at Daniel K. Inouye International Airport in Honolulu on Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2024.

Jamm Aquino / Star-Advertiser

Travelers pass through a picket line walked by United Airlines and other airlines’ flight attendants at Daniel K. Inouye International Airport in Honolulu on Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2024, in Honolulu.

Jamm Aquino / Star-Advertiser

United Airlines flight attendant Genelle Jucutan-Puga chants while picketing with fellow flight attendants at Daniel K. Inouye International Airport in Honolulu on Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2024.

HONOLULU —Genelle Jucutan-Puga, a United Airlines flight attendant from Oahu, sounded serious as she yelled, “What do we want? Contract! If we don’t get it — shut it down.”