Biodiesel sunflowers are coming to Kaumakani

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

The founders of Pacific Biodiesel, Bob and Kelly King, and their invited community guests celebrate Earth Day because the blessing of the company’s first Kaua‘i sunflower fields took place in Kaumakani on April 22, 2024.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Pacific Biodiesel founders Robert and Kelly King, and a performer with Halau Ka Pa Hula O Hinano, hold containers of wai for purification and nutrition on April 22, 2024, while Kumu Hula Troy Hinano Lazaro performs an oli at the Pacific Biodiesel blessing in Kaumakani.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Kumu Hula Troy Hinano Lazaro and performers with Halau Ka Pa Hula O Hinano perform a dedicatory oli and hula on April 22, 2024, before an audience that include leaders of Pacific Biodiesel, Gay & Robinson and other community leaders in Kaumakani.

KAUMAKANI — During the site blessing on April 22 by Kumu Hula Troy Hinano Lazaro and Halau Ka Pa Hula O Hinano, the kumu offered Pacific Biodiesel’s founders Robert and Kelly King a calabash of pa‘akai with a message — welcome to Kaua‘i.