LIHU‘E — Keiki squealed in delight on Wednesday, as they received help from Kaua‘i County Council members, YWCA of Kaua‘i staff and other guests at the YWCA of Kaua‘i open house.
The sounds of happy keiki stemmed from one of the open house’s highlight activity, the planting of blue pinwheels around the perimeter of the YWCA facility that fronts Hardy Street. The keiki received kokua from the more mature open house guests in planting the pinwheels that are a symbol of child abuse prevention.
The YWCA open house was held in conjunction with its observance of three distinct observances — National Alcohol Awareness Month, National Child Abuse Prevention Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month — that were announced through a mayoral proclamation to the YWCA of Kaua‘i and its community partners. The partners included the Kaua‘i County Council, Kaua‘i Police Department, Office of the Prosecuting Attorney, Zonta Club of Kaua‘i and more.
“In the month of April, we raise awareness of the public health implications and underscore the preventability of alcohol use disorders, child abuse and neglect, and sexual assault,” said the mayor’s office in releasing the proclamation. “Strengthened and coordinated partnerships enhance the safety, health and well-being of our community.”
The Kaua‘i District Health Office invited guests to its National Public Health Week to plant blue pinwheels in its garden surrounding the Umi Street property in observance of child abuse prevention.
A sign waving campaign along Rice Street helped cap the announcement.
In keeping with the proclamation’s theme, the Ho‘ola Lahui mobile van will be joined by the Project Vision mobile shower unit on Monday during the Downtown Lihu‘e Health Clinic Pop-Up from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Lihu‘e Christian Church, which is located near Hamura’s Saimin on Kress Street.
The event coordinated by the Rice Street Business Association will also feature a free food distribution and hot meals by Hawai‘i Foodbank Kaua‘i from 10 a.m. to noon.
Denim Day, coordinated by the Zonta Club of Kaua‘i in observance of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, will be celebrated on April 25.