Roadwork scheduled on Kaua‘i

LIHU‘E — A wealth of road-related projects are on tap with work stretching from the west end of the island to the north, the Hawai‘i Department of Transportation said in a weekly update on Friday.

Westside pollution issue settled

LIHU‘E — Earthjustice announced on Wednesday that Na Ki‘ai Kai and the Surfrider Foundation, both groups represented by Earthjustice, settled a lawsuit with the County of Kaua‘i and the state’s Department of Health to clean pollution from drainage ditches discharging into the ocean along West Kaua‘i, including the Kikiaola Small Boat Harbor.

Diabetes workshop starts on Tuesday

LIHU‘E — The first Better Choices, Better Health interactive workshop, focusing on a Diabetes Self-Management system, will start on Tuesday for six weeks through either teleconference or virtually through Microsoft Teams.