Largest deep-sea coral reef to date is mapped by scientists off the U.S. Atlantic coast

NOAA Ocean Exploration / Via Associated Press

A squat lobster perches on healthy Desmophyllum pertusum coral approximately 100 miles east of the Florida Atlantic coast in June 2019. Corals like these that make up the mounds along the Blake Plateau provide important habitat for a variety of marine life. In January 2024, scientists announced they have mapped the largest coral reef deep in the ocean, stretching hundreds of miles off the U.S. coast. While researchers have known since the 1960s that some coral were present off the Atlantic coast, the reef’s size remained a mystery until new underwater mapping technology made it possible to construct 3D images of the ocean floor.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Scientists have mapped the largest coral reef deep in the ocean, stretching hundreds of miles off the U.S. Atlantic coast.