WAILUA — The Kaua‘i County Housing Agency, in partnership with Ho‘ola Lahui Hawai‘i, Project Vision Hawai‘i, Hale Opio and Kaua‘i Fire Department Prevention Bureau, will host a free community health event on Dec. 8 and Dec. 22 at Lydgate Beach Park near the campsites located by Kamalani Playground.
WAILUA — The Kaua‘i County Housing Agency, in partnership with Ho‘ola Lahui Hawai‘i, Project Vision Hawai‘i, Hale Opio and Kaua‘i Fire Department Prevention Bureau, will host a free community health event on Dec. 8 and Dec. 22 at Lydgate Beach Park near the campsites located by Kamalani Playground.
“Aloha ‘Aina, Malama Kekahi i Kekahi” is the project’s title for the event that will include various health services for the community.
Ho‘ola Lahui Hawai‘i, through its mobile medical unit that was shown to the public at various other community health events, will be providing primary care services and family planning.
Project Vision Hawai‘i will have its mobile hot shower unit available and will supplement that with free vision screenings similar to the earlier campaigns held at the Salvation Army, Lihu‘e and Hanapepe Corps. and the All Saints Episcopal Church in Kapa‘a.
Malama Pono Hawai‘i will join the event with Narcan distribution, tobacco cessation and insurance signups at the events that will also have giveaways and snacks for attendees.
Farah Aquino, the homeless coordinator with the Housing Agency, said the events are free and everyone in the community is encouraged to take advantage of what is being offered.
Anyone needing an auxiliary aid or service, or other accommodations due to a disability may contact Farah at 808-241-4427, or email faquino@kauai.gov to request the aid or service. Requests made early will allow adequate time for preparation to fulfill those requests.
Additionally, on request, this notice is available in alternate formats, such as large print, braille or electronic copy.