What comes after the turkey at Kukui Grove?

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

The more elder Aloha Dance Studio performers delay their pizza celebration on Saturday to help Santa try out Santa’s House. Santa will be available for photos at Santa’s House starting Friday at the Kukui Grove Center, across from Jamba Juice.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Santa and the holiday costumed Aloha Dance Studio performers get a preview of Santa’s House on Saturday evening, Nov. 18, 2023, when the dancers swapped their Freaky Friday outfits for the holiday costumes. The Aloha Dance Studio dancers will be in performance during the premiere of the Holiday Light Show starting at 7 p.m. at Kukui Grove Center on Saturday, Nov. 25, 2023.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Robbie Melton of the Small Business Development Center, Kaua‘i County Farm Bureau President Laurie Ho, Melissa McFerrin Warrack and Pau Hana Market ‘ohana celebrate the market’s third anniversary by promoting Small Business Saturday at the kokabago tent on Monday, Nov. 20, 2023. Pau Hana Market is a collaboration between the Kaua‘i County Farm Bureau and Kukui Grove.

LIHU‘E — Most of the stores at the Kukui Grove Center have the option of spending Thanksgiving with their families. said Melissa McFerrin Warrack, the special events coordinator at Kukui Grove.