Residents clash with Coco Palms developer at community meeting in Wailua

Emma Grunwald / The Garden Island

Reef Capital Attorney Mauna Kea Trask, left, discusses plans for the Coco Palms Resort during a smaller debate toward the end of a community meeting about the project on Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023.

Emma Grunwald / The Garden Island

A sign opposing the rebuild of Coco Palms Resort is seen at the Wailua Houselots Park Pavilion ahead of a community meeting about the project on Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023.

Emma Grunwald / The Garden Island

A Kaua‘i resident, left, yells at John Day, Reef Capital Partners chief financial officer, while he attempts to present plans to rebuild the resort during a community meeting about the project on Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023.

Emma Grunwald / The Garden Island

Reef Capital Partners, the developer aiming to rebuild the Coco Palms Resort by 2026, held a community meeting at the Wailua Houselots Park Pavilion on Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023. Mauna Kea Trask, an attorney representing Reef Capital, is pictured standing in front of the crowd with Reef Capital’s Chief Financial Officer John Day.

Emma Grunwald / The Garden Island

Kaua‘i County Council Chair Mel Rapozo, center left, is seen next to council member Bernard Carvalho at the start of Reef Capital’s community meeting about plans to rebuild Coco Palms Resort on Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023.

Emma Grunwald / The Garden Island

Mauna Kea Trask, an attorney representing Reef Capital, approaches an outspoken resident opposing plans to to rebuild the Coco Palms Resort at the community meeting on Wednesday evening.

Emma Grunwald / The Garden Island

John Day, Reef Capital’s chief financial officer, is seen responding to criticism about plans to rebuild the hotel at a community meeting about the project on Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023.

WAILUA — The developers aiming to restore the once-renowned Coco Palms Resort held a community meeting on Wednesday night that quickly collapsed, as Kaua‘i residents effectively shut down the presentation from the project’s ownership team within minutes.