Voyagers outlast Raiders in girls volleyball

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Island School’s Brooklyn Valentino follows her hit against the blocking efforts of Kaua‘i’s Aubrey Bechard and Keira Caoagas in the third set of a Kaua‘i Interscholastic Federation girls volleyball match Wilcox Gymnasium at Island School on Friday, Sept. 15, 2023.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Kaua‘i’s Naomi Ikimaka hits against the defense put up by Island School’s Nola Brown and Nohea Judd in the first set during the Kaua‘i Interscholastic Federation girls volleyball games played at Wilcox Gymnasium at Island School on Friday, Sept. 15, 2023.

PUHI — The Kaua‘i Interscholastic Federation hosted just one set of girls volleyball games on Friday night after a series that was supposed to be played at Clem Gomes Gym in Waimea was “rescheduled” due to a lockdown stemming from a search for a wanted man by the Kauai Police Department.