Happy Camper for Monday, September 18, 2023

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

The Red Lilikoi (Mark Jeffers said he doesn’t know of any natural pollinators) blooms on the archway leading to Sparky Matsunaga’s Peace Garden at The Storybook Theatre during Friday Night Art.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Joanne Parongao (Archie Kagawa was waiting for Tsunami Taiko) and her Na Kani Le‘a hui perform in front of The Storybook Theatre for Friday Night Art in the Land of the Red Lilikoi.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Kekaha Elementary School fifth graders get a photo near the Make A Splash signboards on Friday during the water education event held at the North Vidinha soccer fields by the Department of Water and its “water community.”

Mark Jeffers, of The Storybook Theatre, (In the Land of the Red Lilikoi!) is getting excited about the Peace Day parade coming up on Thursday. (Isn’t that the same day as the Kaua‘i High School Homecoming parade and rally at the Kukui Grove Center?) His costumed characters meet up with Jerry Hirata of the Kaua‘i Soto Zen and the taiko drummers for Peace Day festivities.