Rebuilding Lahaina
The most important thing long-term is that Lahaina be rebuilt for the people who were there.
All those people who survived and wish to return. Their homes must be rebuilt. Their property taxes and assessments must be locked in. For those who perished, their homes must be rebuilt for their heirs.
This cannot become an opportunity for speculators. Rebuild Maui for Maui.
Lorelei Armstrong, Princeville
Sea Glass Beach
It may seem trivial compared to the horrific losses Maui is experiencing, but I hope to bring a little incidental joy to the islands.
Here’s how: The Sea Glass Beach in Port Allen was long ago stripped clean even with signs asking visitors to enjoy the glass but not take it home.
I’ll be on island Aug. 17-24 and am bringing a gallon bag of sea glass with me from California beaches where it is not protected.
It will be my pleasure to ‘salt’ the surf at Sea Glass Beach with dozens of nice pieces. Hopefully, they will find a home there.
P.S. To the editor: My wife and I come to the Coconut Coast five to seven times a year.
Kaua‘i is definitely our “happy place,” and we’re always looking for ways to give back. I’m a member of Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 1139, Kaua‘i, and will be working with them on Maui relief while on island.
Jim Williams, Aptos, California
As we all can see, money and the capitalists that have bought out the islands many, many years ago will not protect Hawaiian culture.
I am not Hawaiian, but I fully support the Hawaiian kingdom and hope that this horrible tragedy on Maui will finally end the illegal occupation of Hawai‘i.
More development is not the answer. The old ways are, and if Maui does not see that then all hope is lost to stop this.
All the money in the world won’t protect the next generation. The decisions you make now can, if you stand up Hawaiians.
Norm Smith, Toledo, Oregon
Island car
Aloha. Just wanted to let you know I bought an electric car. It’s amazing, perfect island car. Highly recommend anyone thinking about it to do it. No gas stations, grimy handles, no emissions, The future.
Linda Bothe, Kalaheo