UH men’s basketball team to host clinic for keiki on Kaua‘i

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island file

University of Hawai‘i Manoa men’s basketball coach Eran Ganot, left, presents Mayor Derek S.K. Kawakami with an autographed team ball and a UH shirt on Saturday Aug. 6, 2022, during the team’s youth clinic at the Kaua‘i High School gym in Lihu‘e.

Courtesy of University of Hawai‘i Athletics

University of Hawai‘i men’s basketball players, left, go through dribbling drills with Kaua‘i keiki during the 2022 skills clinic at Kaua‘i High School in Lihu‘e.

LIHU‘E — Local boys and girls are going to get another chance to hoop with a Division I men’s basketball squad later this month.