Happy Camper for Saturday, June 17, 2023

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

East Kaua‘i Lions Club president-elect Lion Crystal Caday-Bargayo watches as Meghann Kealoha Matsuda becomes the newest Lion in the club, inducted by PDG Lion Roy Nishida and witnessed by Matsuda’s sponsor Lion Janice Bond on Thursday night, June 15, 2023, during the club’s Annual Meeting Installation of Officers at the Kaua‘i Veterans Center.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

A Hawaiian Caper luxuriates in the “pineapple rain (that’s a Tommy Rita term)” among the varigated naupaka in the moku gardens at the Kaua‘i Museum on Friday, June 16, 2023.

Past District Governor Roy Nishida of the East Kaua‘i Lions Club said being a Lion is a privilege. An individual needs to be “invited” to join the global organization. Congratulations to Meghann Kealoha Matsuda, who became the newest Lion (how long are they Cubs?) of the East Kaua‘i Lions Club! Mahalo to Meghann’s sponsor Janice Bond (how many other Lions has she sponsored?), who also treated the club and its guests to a pizza party that included pizza from Scorpacciata at the Harbor Mall Shopping Center that formerly operated out of a food truck in Kapa‘a.