Congratulations, Island School seniors who get to walk on the day following the last day of school!
Congratulations, Island School seniors who get to walk on the day following the last day of school!
The weekly Aloha Market on Thursdays at the National Tropical Botanical Garden South Shore Visitor Center is a great reason to bring Belkis Campos and her con Carino shop featuring swimwear and other accessories created from recycled plastic bottles out of Princeville, where she appears at Makai Market on Wednesdays and at Princeville Market, where she’s had her products for at least two years.
Described on the NTBG as “art + farm” on its website, the Aloha Market also had Amanda Kaufmann (her husband is a photographer, and her website is showing off her “intersection of awareness and art,” her current focus on the Hawaiian monk seal and what people can do to help keep these animals well. Amanda even had a “preview” of her entry to the Kaua‘i Society of Artists’ Washed Up marine debris art show that opens June 3 at KSA gallery at Kukui Grove Center.
And who can forget food? Wes and Mary Pacanas (they sold out at the Kamanawa Foundation hula ho‘ike, Sunday at the convention hall!) of Da Wonton Shack was pumping out those fancy wonton varieties, and Coach Herb Noe needed some help with the Watasadas Malasadas (are they going to be at the Wailua Bay Creators’ Fair, Sunday, at the Hilton Garden Inn Wailua?)…no, Coach Herb, the third one is to power through Saturday Senior Softball!