Happy Camper for Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

The Beach House Craft Fair coordinator Edwin Vea, second from left, welcomes the Magyar and Gaona families from California and Texas to the oceanside event with nearly 50 vendors on Sunday in Kukui‘ula. Vea said the families come year after year and spend a lot of kala — as in “money” — on Kaua‘i.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Hula Sistahs from left Kanani Kaye, Leslie Scales, Priscilla Naihe, Honu McCullen, Teri Kahaunaele, Cindy Rodriguez and Carla Contrades (they even have papale by Tetu Kame‘enui) wait for their Da Wonton Shack orders at the annual Hula Ho‘ike presented by the Kamanawa Foundation with Kumu Hula Kapu Kinimaka Alquiza and Na Hula O Kaohikukapulani, on Sunday at the Kaua‘i War Memorial Convention Hall in Lihu‘e

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

After craving lychee for the entire day, the Allen family, from left Sherilyn, Anesia, Aisena and Ken, of Reno, Nevada, find not one, not two, but three bags of lychee at the Monday Pau Hana Market, a collaborative effort between the Kaua‘i County Farm Bureau and the Kukui Grove Center, at the Lihu‘e mall.

Congratulations, Chelane Weaver, on being selected as the pa‘u princess representing Kaua‘i when the King Kamehameha Celebration takes place June 10 starting with the King’s Parade at 10 a.m. on Rice Street (watch for the traffic advisories!).

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