No beach day for second graders of Kalaheo Elementary School

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Kaua‘i Ocean Discovery community partner Steve Soltysik explains mapping using a replica of the Hokulea to second grade students of Kalaheo Elementary School during a field trip to Kukui Grove Center on Friday.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Aloha Dance Studio instructors Shalyn Vegas and Keisha Suga teach Kalaheo Elementary School secondgrade students a few dance moves during the school’s daylong field trip to Kukui Grove Center on Friday.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Jamie Thornton, of NOAA Fisheries, leads Kalaheo Elementary School second graders in creating honu costuming during a daylong field trip to Kukui Grove Center on Friday.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Kaua‘i Ocean Discovery community partner Dave Duncan gets a lot of interest as he compares contemporary surf gear with traditional gear in a discussion of surfing history during a field trip by Kalaheo Elementary School second grade students to Kukui Grove Center on Friday.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Sgt. Ryan Fussell, of the U.S. Armed Forces Career Center, talks to Kalaheo Elementary School second grade students during the school’s day trip to Kukui Grove Center on Friday.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Kaua‘i Ocean Discovery volunteer Carol Everett gets Kalaheo Elementary School second graders to lie down for a crab’s perspective during a field trip for 80 students to the Kukui Grove Center on Friday.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Capt. Geoff Wall leads second grade students on a humpback whale discussion outside Kaua‘i Ocean Discovery at Kukui Grove Center on Friday.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Sensei Kenn Firestone, of Premier Martial Arts, teaches concepts of “respect” and “focus” to second grade students from Kalaheo Elementary School during a field trip to Kukui Grove Center on Friday.

LIHU‘E — If you save $100 a month from now when you are 8 years old, how much money would you have when you’re ready to retire when you are 60 years old, the representative from Hawai‘iUSA Federal Credit Union asked the second grade students on Friday, when the students arrived for a field trip to Kukui Grove Center.