Parent and Child Fair takes place in Lihu‘e on Saturday

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Coordinators of the Kaua‘i Parent and Child Fair, from left Melissa McFerrin-Warrack of Kukui Grove Center, Austin Heiser of the state Department of Health Kaua‘i District Health Office, Kathy Perez of the state Department of Education, Alanna Bauman of the Kaua‘i Planning & Action Alliance, and Lacie Corba of PATCH (People Attentive To Children) take a break of laying out the Saturday fair at the yellow submarine in the Keiki Korner, sponsored by Spectrum play area, at Kukui Grove Center on Wednesday.

LIHU‘E — Entering the world of learning can be a trying time for keiki and parents alike, and the goal of the Parent and Child Fair on Saturday is to make the transition from play to learning as smooth as possible.