Recipients earn Mokihana Club Music Scholarships

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

From left, Mokihana Club Music Scholarship recipients Rayna Shafter, Kenneth Hironaka, Blake Hironaka and Robin Mizushima beam following their performances at the club’s meeting on April 5 at the Lihu‘e Parish Hall.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Kenneth Hironaka, a senior at Kaua‘i High School, plays his flute for members of The Mokihana Club during the club’s meeting on April 5 at the Lihu‘e Parish Hall. He was voted best and earned a $2,500 scholarship.

LIHU‘E — Recipients of The Mokihana Club Music Scholarships literally worked for their scholarships, performing before the club’s members during the club’s regular monthly meeting on April 5 at the Lihu‘e Parish Hall on the grounds of Lihu‘e United Church.