More than 200 high school students attend Find Your Future tour

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Kaua‘i Community College International Studies Program’s Kyoko Ikeda Chun talks to visiting high school students about the prospect of studying abroad, Friday during the Find Your Future event at the Puhi campus.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Visiting student engage in real-world nursery and preschool activities during a stop at the Early Childhood Education station, Friday during the Find Your Future event at the Kaua‘i Community College.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Visiting students are fascinated with the ice cream being created by the Kaua‘i Community College Culinary Arts students, Friday during the college’s Find Your Future event at the Puhi campus.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Thomas No‘eau Keopuhiwa, the Kaua‘i Community College Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Interim Deputy TIX Coordinator, welcomes high school students to the college’s One Stop Center, Friday during a campus tour for the Find Your Future event at the Puhi campus.

PUHI — John Constantino, of Kaua‘i Community College staff, said the Find Your Future event on Friday was a lot about student life, or what students go through while pursuing education beyond high school.