Study: Residents’ views of tourism improving

Emma Grunwald / The Garden Island

Visitors and residents relax near Black Pot Park on Hanalei Bay last week.

Emma Grunwald / The Garden Island

Black Pot Park on Hanalei Bay and the iconic pier draw visitors and residents even on cloudy days like this one last week.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island Mark Perriello of the Kaua‘i Chamber of Commerce gets a photo of Marynell Valenzuela of Inkspot Printing, Reiko Matsuyama of the Finance Dept., Sue Kanoho of the Kaua‘i Visitors Bureau, and Beth Tokioka of the Kaua‘i Island Utility Cooperative during the Chamber Governor's Luncheon at the Koloa Landing Resort.

LIHU‘E — A recent study conducted by the state Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism showed that residents’ views of tourism have improved slightly in the past year. But government officials say there’s still more work to be done.