Samuel is physically disabled and became homeless in 2019. Through the assistance of a permanent supportive housing program, he settled into a new rental.
His patio chair recently gave way and he is in need of a new, sturdy patio chair. He also needs shelving in order to store and keep his personal belongings organized. Samuel is a kind and quiet person, who enjoys listening to daily news and church sermons on his laptop.
Through Christmas Eve, The Garden Island will share daily, front-page stories about families and individuals (we don’t use their real names) facing challenges and who would appreciate a little help.
The Christmas Fund is an avenue for everyone to provide that assistance. Donations are used by Zonta Club members to purchase gift certificates that are in turn distributed to families and individuals through social-service agencies.
Each donation is accounted for and recorded. There are no administrative costs involved, and money goes directly to provide for those in need of Christmas presents and groceries.
If you hold a fundraiser for the Christmas Fund, let us know and we’ll spread the word. Anyone making a donation of $200 or more can have their picture published in TGI.
Donations may be made by way of the website, Zonta-Kaua‘, or checks can be made payable to The Zonta Club of Kaua‘i Foundation, P.O. Box 3032, Lihu‘e, HI 96766.
w Grant is 46 years old and suffers from mental health problems. Grant’s father, Steve, is 74 years old and lives with a physical disability. Both recently got into a permanent supportive housing program and are working with their caseworkers to search and hopefully secure housing soon.
Grant needs help in obtaining a cellphone so that he will be able to contact his caseworkers, doctor and counselor. Both Grant and Steve are also in need of clothing that will surely bring joy to both of them this Christmas.
w Adam has been housed for several years until he was evicted from his home. He suffers from mental health problems and is trying to get his life back in order.
He is receiving help through a permanent supportive housing program to search and apply for housing. He attends therapy sessions twice a month for substance abuse.
Adam recently got his cellphone stolen and needs help in obtaining another cellphone, so he will be able to communicate with his doctor, counselor and case managers.