Open the gates to Maha‘ulepu
Open the gates to Maha‘ulepu
We have dearly missed accessing the coastline of Maha‘ulepu.
The coastal gate has been locked since December of 2019.
Many generations of families — kupuna to keiki — particularly of the Koloa community, go to the coast of Maha‘ulepu for subsistence fishing and gathering, for recreation, and simply to be renewed by this natural, beautiful space. We have been very patient, but the time has come for the gate to open.
Our primary concern is for our kupuna, families and fishermen. Most of the public can hike down the trail to enjoy the beach. What about our kupuna who can’t traverse down the narrow and uneven trail, or our families with young children and our fishermen carrying all of their gear?
We have recently tried to contact Grove Farm about the issue of reopening the gate, but we have yet to receive a response. We are simply asking Grove Farm to open the coastal gate that has been open to the public for many decades. We hope that soon the public can once again enjoy this beautiful open space.
If you miss being able to access the Maha‘ulepu coastline, please kindly let Grove Farm know by signing and commenting on our petition on
Kaylie Nakamura, Outreach coordinator, Malama Maha‘ulepu, Kilauea
Good letter Kaylie. Under State of Hawaii law, “The public has a right of access along the beaches and shorelines in the State situated below the “upper reaches of the wash of the waves.” (HRS §§ 115-4, 115-5, Revised 2010).” The nuts and bolts of this public access is generally left up to the County. There are great non-profits that work to protect these rights, such as The Surfrider Foundation, the Sierra Club and others. Hopefully, a well-funded non-profit can be enlisted to sue Grove Farm to enjoin them from continuing to illegally block a well established public easement access to our treasured Maha‘ulepu. While the petition can’t hurt, sometimes greedy corporations need to be dragged into Court before they do the right thing.
No need for petition, lawsuit better because locking a public access road is illegal and just plain mean spirited!!!
I miss Hawai’i of my youth, now it reeks of sewage everywhere and locked gates, bottleneck traffic, beach and road erosion and trash everywhere….
How’s that working out for kawakami???? He’s like “what, me worry???”
Vote out the sell outside and limit tourism and cars on our roads but open all beach and mountain access!!!!