Perpose a dual winner at Terno Ball


Kaua‘i County Council Chair Arryl Kaneshiro, left, and Mayor Derek Kawakami, right, present the most elegant couple award to Jeanica Perpose and CJ Menor Saturday during the 46th Terno Ball benefiting the Kaua‘i Filipino Women’s Club at the Royal Sonesta Kaua‘i Resort Lihu‘e.


Winners of the finest barong contest, from left County Councilmember KipuKai Kuali‘i, Greyson Lucas and his dad Scott Lucas, and Mario Trinidad, beam in their formal shirts and show their awards Saturday during the 46th Terno Ball benefiting the Kaua‘i Filipino Women’s Club at the Royal Sonesta Kaua‘i Resort Lihu‘e.


Winners of the most beautiful terno contest, from left Tia Kawamura, Jeanica Perpose and Deandrei Gonzales, display their gowns and awards Saturday during the 46th Terno Ball benefiting the Kaua‘i Filipino Women’s Club at the Royal Sonesta Kaua‘i Resort Lihu‘e.

Jeanica Perpose was a dual winner Saturday during the 46th Terno Ball benefiting the Kaua‘i Women’s Filipino Club.