The Rev. Kerry Elizabeth Holder Joffrion is new vicar of Westside Episcopal churches

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Ministers, including the new vicar, the Rev. Kerry Elizabeth Holder Joffrion, center left, and Bishop The Right Rev. Robert Fitzpatrick, prepare to enter the service of the renewal of ministry with the welcoming of a new vicar Sunday at St. John’s Church in ‘Ele‘ele.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

The Rev. Kerry Elizabeth Holder Joffrion blesses the people with a sprinkling of water Sunday after being installed as the new vicar of The Episcopal Church on West Kaua‘i, at St. John’s Church in ‘Ele‘ele.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

The Rev. Kerry Elizabeth Holder Joffrion, the new vicar of The Episcopal Church on West Kaua‘i, spreads the good news among the congregation as the Right Rev. Robert Fitzpatrick, the bishop of Hawai‘i looks on Sunday after installing Joffrion as the vicar, at the St. John’s Church in ‘Ele‘ele.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

The Rev. Kerry Elizabeth Holder Joffrion, the new vicar of The Episcopal Church on West Kaua‘i, spreads the good news after being installed Sunday at St. John’s Church in ‘Ele‘ele.

‘ELE‘ELE — “Why you got your shirt inside-out?”

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