PO‘IPU — Visitors to the Prince Kuhio Park, Friday had a feeling about the Kuhio Day observance taking place in a “non-public” event by the Royal Order of Kamehameha I, “Kaumualii” Chapter 3 and Na Wahine Hui o Kamehameha.
“The schools were closed,” said a group from Michigan. “This is our first time in Hawai‘i, but whenever schools close, it has to be for a special day.”
The visitor groups strolled about the Prince Kuhio Park, stopping to admire the bust of Prince Kuhio that was in the midst of being power washed. Inside the pavilion, in accordance with the wishes of the Royal Order, groups worked on their ho‘okupu while other representatives arrived with their respective group’s ho‘okupu.
Final installation of ho‘okupu and other protocol will take place in a private, due to pandemic safety and the desire to keep the virus and its variants from spreading, protocol led by The Royal Order of Kamehameha I, “Kaumualii” Chapter 3 and Na Wahine Hui o Kamehameha.
Kuhio Day is celebrated to mark the birth and life of Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana‘ole, an advocate of the Hawaiian people. Prince Kuhio was born on March 26, 1871 on Kaua‘i at a site close to where the Prince Kuhio Park is located.
Some of Kuhio’s achievements include being elected as the first territorial delegate to the U.S. Congress where he is best remembered for the passage of the 1920 Hawaiian Homes Commission Acts. He developed the county system of government that exists in the Hawaiian Islands today, and focused on developing Pearl Harbor, Honolulu Harbor, and regular mail delivery.
Kuhio Day is also a state and county holiday.
All County of Kaua‘i offices will be closed until March 28. Additionally, all neighborhood centers will be closed along with the Waimea and Kapa‘as swimming pools.
COVID-19 testing at the Kaua‘i War Memorial Convention Hall and the Kalaheo Neighborhood Center will be closed.
On March 26, Kuhio Day, The Reynolds Recycling Redemption Center in Lihu‘e will be closed along with all refuse transfer stations, the Kekaha Landfill, and the Puhi Metals Recycling Center.
Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer and photographer, can be reached at 245-0453 or dfujimoto@thegardenisland.com.
Kuhio pushed through Congress the first racial entitlement program (Hawaiian Homelands). Today there are hundreds of government-funded Hawaiians-only programs giving megabucks to Hawaii’s favorite racial group. So of course the tycoons of Hawaiians-only programs LOVE Kuhio. But that was the ONLY major “good” thing Kuhio did. And by the way, contrary to this article, Kuhio was NOT the first Territorial Delegate — that was Robert Wilcox.
Kuhio did many bad things nobody remembers:
At annexation time, when his “Hawaiians” needed him, he went to South Africa for 3 years to fight in the Boer War on the side of one colonial power (England) against another colonial power (Dutch) to see which one would rule over the indigenous people.
In 1915 he filed a lawsuit against Lili’uokalani to have her declared mentally incompetent and get himself appointed her guardian so he could steal her Waikiki land which she had willed to her Childrens’ Trust.
Kuhio was also a Trump-style womanizer.
“Prince” Kuhio was not very princely. It’s long past time to “cancel” him. For details, including contents of his lawsuit against Lili’uokalani, Google
kuhio not princely angelfire
Kathleen Murguia? Thats Farrahs Mom. Great lady with a sense of humor and her eyes on God.