Kauka a deserving triple honoree

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Kumu Sabra Kauka dances a hula with her Island School haumana (students) to music provided by Lokelani Sasil, who teaches ‘ukulele with Kauka, Saturday during the awards presentations at Keoki’s Paradise in Po‘ipu Shopping Village.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Sabra Kauka is presented the DLNR & YOU Conservation award by Darin Tann, Keoki’s Paradise General Manager, left, and Sheri Mann, the Kaua‘i branch manager for the state Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Saturday during the Ho‘oulu Award presentation at Keoki’s Paradise in Po‘ipu Shopping Village.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Sabra Kauka accepts the specially-created ‘ohi‘a o‘o Ho‘oulu Award from TS Restaurants’ Dylan Ching as TS Restaurants’ President and CEO Jackie Reed waits to present Kauka with a congratulatory lei Saturday during a special award luncheon at Keoki’s Paradise in Po‘ipu Shopping Village.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

VIPs, including county Managing Director Michael Dahilig, left, representing Mayor Derek Kawakami, TS Restaurants’ Dylan Ching and President and CEO Jackie Reed watch as Sabra Kauka joins the crowd in rendering “Hawai‘i Aloha” Saturday during the presentation of awards, including the inaugural Ho‘oula Award, at Keoki’s Paradise in the Po‘ipu Shopping Village.

“I only cut the grass,” said Sabra Kauka Saturday when she was presented the TS Restaurants inaugural Ho‘oulu Award during a special Saturday luncheon at Keoki’s Paradise in Po‘ipu Shopping Village.