Happy Camper for Sunday, February 13, 2022

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Aunty Bev Muraoka and Marilyn Matsumoto have lunch Saturday at Kukui Grove Center in Lihu‘e.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Nicole Ka‘aumoana takes a break to get corn from Basilio “Bunga” Fuertes and Jerry Nishihira during the Waimea Alumni and Friends fundraising sale of Westside corn, in Waimea Thursday.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Waimea Alumni and Friends Foundation members have a corn bee Thursday to prepare the 27,000 ears of corn for their fundraising sale in Waimea.

Kudos to all those Waimea Alumni and Friends Foundation on coordinating that amazing corn sale. Alvin Kyono said Hartung Brothers grew all (25,000-plus ears!) the corn, and even threw in a promotional banner the WAFF could use at Hofgaard Park in beautiful downtown Waimea.