Mental-health-awareness project helps students

Laurel Smith / The Garden Island

Kaua‘i High School senior Juliet Martin was inspired by her own pandemic experience to research the effects of the pandemic on teenage mental health.

Laurel Smith / The Garden Island

Kaua‘i High School senior Angeline Chan and Juliet Martin discuss how the pandemic has impacted the mental health of teenagers. The pair did a science-fair project researching the subject that was recognized by the state Department of Education, the American Psychological Association and The Queen’s Medical Center.

Laurel Smith / The Garden Island

A student writes a positive message for the “take one, leave one” basket at a mental-health-awareness event earlier this month at Kaua’i High School in Lihu‘e.

Laurel Smith / The Garden Island

Students compete in a speed tic-tac-toe event at Kaua’i High School’s mental-health awareness observance earlier this month. The event was organized by students to educate and give kids a break from the stresses of the school day.

Laurel Smith / The Garden Island

Kaua’i High School Student Activities Coordinator Divina Plowman photographs students Rachel Chidester, Logan Campbell, Kayla Fernandez and Makayla Karimi in front of a positive-message photo booth during a student-organized mental-health awareness event earlier this month on campus.

LIHU‘E — Last year, Mel Corpuz started to fall behind in his studies during his senior year at Kaua‘i High School.