LIHU‘E — This year’s Visitor Industry Charity Walk hosted by the Hawai‘i Lodging &Tourism Association announced it raised more than $2 million in the association’s first-ever virtual walk.
LIHU‘E — This year’s Visitor Industry Charity Walk hosted by the Hawai‘i Lodging &Tourism Association announced it raised more than $2 million in the association’s first-ever virtual walk.
Participants on Kaua‘i were part of raising $261,478, the association announced Monday.
These monies will be distributed to more than 200 nonprofits around the state, with all monies raised on Kaua‘i being allocated to organizations based on the island.
“I was deeply gratified by the manner in which the local visitor industry and its supporters came out to participate in and support Charity Walk,” Mufi Hannemann, president and CEO of the Hawai‘i Lodging and Tourism Association, said in a release. “Looking at the fundraising amounts of previous years, I would have expected us to raise $500,000 or $1 million; to have raised more than $2 million is just outstanding.”
The Visitor Industry Charity Walk is a longstanding charity event first organized in 1974.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual walk was canceled in 2020 and relegated to a virtual format in 2021. Despite this limitation, engagement and participation were at all-time highs, ultimately resulting in near-record fundraising totals.
“Kaua‘i really showed off its fundraising prowess this year,” Charity Walk Kaua‘i Chair Beres Wall said. “While we can’t wait to host Charity Walk in-person again, we are well pleased with our fundraising efforts and look forward to distributing these monies to our nonprofit partners in support of their various missions.”
Wow. That much. I’m not in the tourism industry. So I wouldn’t know how they’re thinking. But if it helps, then give your money to be a prosperous soul. I’m more in the line of technology and science. And who was this guy you said was the leader of the organization? Mufi Hannemann. I know a little about the guy. He was a dumb Honolulu mayor. Failed high school. Absolutely no college experience. And is not for those with glasses. For the community. Salesmen approach. That is him.
I did not participate. Just one of the onlookers I guess. Virtual walk. That means walk where ever they so choose. I think they’re okay. I just won’t give my hard earned money to them. Let them handle their cares. Otherwise, congratulations to your effort.
Well way back in 1977 I used to work one year at Coco palms hotel in Wailua. That is the only hotel industry job i had. I never had any job like that. I didn’t know they had a charity walk then. Founded in 1974.
I liked the Wailua side. It was really happening. But things changed so that was it for me.