Help available to avoid eviction
Tenants: Are you about to lose your home because you’re behind in rent due to COVID issues? Or are any of your relatives or anyone you know?
Help is available! Call Dana Hazelton at 808-482-3777 at the Kaua‘i Government Employees Federal Credit Union. She has money to help you … perhaps for as much as a year. It’s from the Kaua‘i 2021 Coronavirus Rent and Utility Assistance. Or you can go to or email They have translation services and telephone-application assistance.
Landlords: You can apply for this money for your tenants, with their approval.
At the very least, you can tell your landlord you wanna have mediation — and that program is run through KEO: Kaua‘i Economic Opportunity, at 808-245-4077.
Even though the governor’s eviction moratorium is ending Tuesday, Aug. 6, all is not lost. Hang in there.
Jim Edmonds, Kilauea
We need more detailed reporting on COVID-19
I appreciate how difficult it must be with changing leadership and reporters leaving the island to cover all of the happenings on Kaua‘i, and I’m grateful for the consistency coming from TGI. I’m also aware that some information is simply not available to the newspapers.
However, the balance of vaccinated versus unvaccinated people in Hawai‘i could be tipped, and many would have a clearer picture of the COVID situation with some clear, accurate reporting about the relationship between vaccinations and COVID-19.
We get daily news about the burgeoning numbers of positive cases and some rough estimates about national trends, yet The Garden Island news presents only a vague report that most of those are among unvaccinated individuals.
Day after day, we are deprived of the numbers.
Exactly how many of our active cases are unvaccinated? How many of those who have been vaccinated are hospitalized? How many of the unvaccinated cases are hospitalized? Where are the positive cases located? The answers to these questions are not simply to satisfy interest. They would help people make informed decisions. Please give us more.
David Dinner, Kilauea
Why no data on vaccinated versus unvaccinated?
When I read the daily COVID count release from our Health Department, something is missing.
They leave out important information.
How many of the cases are vaccinated folks versus unvaccinated people?
Shouldn’t this be part of the daily briefing?
At least for those over the age of 12, we need to know this information for a couple of reasons: First, if the cases are overwhelmingly those who are unvaccinated, it may provide additional incentive to get vaccinated. Secondly, it may tell us how susceptible those of us who are vaccinated in getting infected. Thirdly, it may help parents make decisions about school, sports, etc.
Additionally, the Health Department should tell us how many of those hospitalized with COVID are either vaccinated or unvaccinated, for the same underlying reasons. Revealing this information in no way violates anyone’s privacy rights, so why don’t we receive this information from our officials?
Jim Henry, Kalaheo