Open letter to Dwayne
‘The Rock’ Johnson
Open letter to Dwayne
‘The Rock’ Johnson
Dear “Rock;”
The Coco Palms holds a special place in my heart. I honeymooned there in September 1966. So I hope it doesn’t become another high-rise, glitzy tourist haunt.
Residents hope to develop the property into a sanctuary honoring Native Hawaiian culture, but need help to acquire it.
You can help! (Kokua!)
Please consider investing a part of your monetary treasure to make this happen.
Mahalo nui;
Nancy McCallister
Kailua, Hawai‘i
Why do so many peoples’ plans depend on spending other peoples’ money?
What a rude letter….
It never hurts to ask.. 22 million is a “drop in the bucket” for some people through which they could make a real difference for a whole lot of people on a small island like Kauai. Weather it be “the rock” or Zuckerberg, someone should of stepped up to show Kauai that they care about this island and it’s culture. This investment company will sit on this property for another 20 years until they decide to sell to another investment company. Meanwhile all Kauai residents will live day to day looking at the remnants of what once was..
“it never hurts to ask…” Brother, what a weak justification for asking for someone elses money! Absolutely NO ONE will develop the property into a “resort”, nor should they! Its a terrible location, with a less than mediocre beach. If there were no “money” in it, why would any group invest over 20 million dollars unless they were promised a substantial return on their money! The COUNTY should be the one to “sit” on the land unless and until a solid plan is decided upon!
Why is there always the mantra to have the wealthy fund someone else’s plans? Why not collect donations from those who dream up these wild ideas?
Patrick H Flores, Boise, Id
Spoken like someone who is neither wealthy nor here.
Well said, Patrick!
The experience I have witnessed is a huge number of island residents want tourists or the mega wealthy to fund everything so they can enjoy it for nothing!