According to the U.S. Justice Dept., in a January 2019 document, only 7% of criminals in prison for crimes committed with firearms had obtained the firearm through legal firearms dealers. Another study by the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, in 2004, found that 40% to 60% of inmates in federal and state prisons obtained their firearms illegally. For much more detailed information on both studies see the links below. Both studies show that many received them through family members or friends without a record.
In Congress, there is a very large amount of infighting between Democrats and Republicans about the issue of firearms control. Many of the Republicans are claiming in this new “Defund the Police” era that Democrats have caused the violence by touting this chant and program. The Democrats are claiming that the Police themselves are causing much of the violence by racial injustices. There are a much larger number of topics that are being discussed on both sides of the House.
I have been assaulted by politicians with their articles speaking out against gun violence. I agree with them, partially, that gun violence MUST stop! I have been assaulted by TV programs claiming our citizens are at risk of violence due to violent criminals having access to firearms. I agree, again partially, with them that criminals should NOT have access to firearms.
What I totally agree with is that guns cause horrible damage to victims. I agree that, untrained handling of firearms can cause horrific pain to families. I agree that NO ONE but the US Military should have access to any kind of firearm that has the capability to fire rounds on automatic. Really, how many deer, bear, elk, or other wildlife can you need to hunt at once? How many rounds do you want to pump into the meat you are hunting for your dinner table? (At least I pray that what you are hunting is for your, or others, consumption.)
I agree that ALL weapons be kept out of untrained hands. I agree that ALL weapons purchased by trained owners should be kept out of the hands of ALL untrained family members, or ANY children under the age of 18. I agree that stricter weapon purchase guidelines NEED to be instituted. This is a different era from that of our fathers and grandfathers. They were allowed access to firearms in an era of need to supplement the family larder and were, again for most, given training by their elders.
Wow, consider that, homes where elders not only existed but they were listened to!
Things I do NOT agree with? I do NOT agree with politicians using this heavy topic as an agenda to win votes! I do NOT agree that the laws only apply to some people and NOT ALL PEOPLE! I do NOT agree that either party, Democrats or Republicans, should be considered “in the right” just because of what “party” (now there is a misnomer) they belong or don’t belong to! I so very much do NOT agree with MY opinion being the correct opinion.
We, as a total country, need to stop yelling, grandstanding, politick-ing (as my grandfather called it), understanding or misunderstanding op-eds, or just plain hiding from the facts. Firearms are not just for defense of our country. Firearms are not just for law enforcement. However, by and large, firearms ARE lethal! Especially in the hands of criminals or the hands of the wrong person.
Linnea Gimby-Crespo is a resident of Kekaha