Kato capitalizes on the miscalculation

NAWILIWILI — A tactical miscalculation proved costly to Fast Company during the Nawiliwili Yacht Club Invitational Series, Race No. 2 at the Nawiliwili Harbor.
Kato, suffering its second “Early Over” start in as many weeks, capitalized on the miscalculation to squeak out its second straight win by a mere 27 ticks in winds blowing from the east-northeast in the 12- to 15-knot range.
Following the first of three legs in the 6.03-mile course, the seven boats headed to the Kalapaki Buoy to leave it to starboard before heading out to the lighthouse buoy.
“Fast Company rounded the Kalapaki Buoy first on the inside followed closely by Bonjolea II and Kato,” said Chris Jordan, skipper of OZone who finished the race, third overall. “Halfway out to the lighthouse, Fast Company took a short tack back towards the Timbers Resort. The two extra tacks appeared to cost them some time and Kato subsequently took the lead, rounding the Ninini Lighthouse buoy first followed by Bonjolea II, and then Fast Company.”
Kato sounded the finish horn for top line honors at 1 hour, 5 minutes, 20 seconds elapsed sail, and corrected to 1:08:03 PHRF for top honors followed by Fast Company (1:06:05 elapsed, 1:08:30 PHRF), and OZone (1:07:22 elapsed, 1:07:22 PHRF).
“What an amazing comeback for skipper Kevin Millett and the Kato crew, including Invitational Leticia,” said Jordan. “Kudos to Kaua‘i Sailing Association President Carl Andersson for letting the older teenagers use his boat Weatherly while he took the young kids out on Double Espresso. The younger kids rotated positions regularly in order to learn how to do things. Although they finished in last place, they get the first place prize for their enthusiasm as they start their sailboat racing careers.”
Weatherly, sounding the horn on a 1:10:13 elapsed sail, corrected to 1:05:23 Club for top honors in that class followed by Bonjolea II (1:05:20 elapsed, 1:05:52 Club) and Papa A‘u (1:14:35 elapsed, 1:07:09 Club).
“Papa A‘u with Victoria Aiu on the helm, and Double Espresso were having a great battle throughout the race,” Jordan said. “The young kids on Double Espresso were remarkably enthusiastic, and they were having a great time.”
The start of the race was pushed back due to a highway accident near the halfway bridge that delaed at least two boat crews from getting to the starting line on time, Jordan said. Speedy lost all but two of its crew to the traffic slowdown and chose not to participate.
“It’s hard to compete with just two people,” said Dick Olsen, the Speedy skipper. “We’re just going to help with the Race Committee.”
NYC Rear Commodore John Ross gave up his crew position abord Bonjolea II to help with the Race Committee.
The third race of the NYC Invitational Series takes place, Thursday when the first flags fly at 5 p.m. at the Nawiliwili Harbor.
Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer can be reached at 245-0453 or dfujimoto@thegardenisland.com.