Kauai’s marine biologist Dr Carl Berg, has published a study in Plos One, 2018, finding much higher levels of Roundup in honey on western Kauai than eastern Kauai. Dr Berg’s study, in Environmental Science, 2021, “Regional and global perspectives of lead in honey as a record of lead in the environment,” found, “metal concentrations in honey from Kaua’i suggest polluting effects of nearby agricultural operations.” Dr. Berg also told me the standing waterways around Waimea contain the pesticide atrazine which doesn’t break down quickly.
We are very concerned especially about the health of kids, birds, monarch butterflies, and Hawaiian green sea turtles from pesticide runoff.
Atrazine is carcinogenic and is slowly seeping deeper towards the horizontal level of 150 feet deep of Kauai’s drinking water wells.
Roundup causes cancer.
Mutations Research / Reviews in Mutation Research, 2019, published a meta-analysis finding Roundup exposure causes a 41% increase in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Approximately 93% of Americans have Roundup in their urine.
The World Health Organization has declared Roundup a probable carcinogen.
What is another Waimea pesticide that destroys health?
I created a research study with the help of Kauai’s neuroscientist Dr Alarik Arenander, which has been submitted to the Journal of Health and Pesticides sponsored by the World Health Organization and by the World Bank. My research documents very dangerous levels of insecticide Chlorpyrifos drift that were in the air at Waimea Canyon Middle School.
If there were any pregnant teens or pregnant teachers breathing that much Chlorpyrifos, it may have created irreversible prenatal brain defects in their babies correlated to 1] an IQ x exposure interaction, and 2] a sex x exposure interaction, “a disruption of normal sexual dimorphisms in brain structures…Early Chlorpyrifos exposure obtunds or reverses normal sex differences, in learning, memory, and emotional behaviors,” in both humans and rats. The research using magnetic resonant imaging to detect such brain irregularities caused by only microscopic amounts of prenatal Chlorpyrifos exposure was done by Dr Virginia Rauh, DcS, of Columbia Medical University and published in PNAS, 2012.
Research proves no level of Chlorpyrifos is safe and Europe has banned it.
We also know Waimea had 10 times the national rate of congenital heart birth defects caused by prenatal exposures to pesticides according to our local Kauai doctors.
Roundup, Chlorpyrifos, snd atrazine exposures also cause epigenetic damage in which damaged DNA with associated health problems is passed onto all future generations.
Pregnant rats exposed to Chlorpyrifos have baby rats with aggressive and ADHD like behavior.
Organophosphate Chlorpyrifos has a similar chemical structure to Hitler’s nerve agents (gasses) like Sarin, developed to quickly kill enemy soldiers by inhalation. So why does the USA use Chlorpyrifos if the wiser and more ethical Europeans have banned it? 2 reasons. Because nothing else kills insects so effectively. And 1 Timothy 6:10 explains “The love of money is the root of all evil.” This is why Chlorpyrifos and Roundup which destroy health are sold: to make billions of corporate dollars.
I went to Dartmouth College. Dr Jim Yong Kim, MD, former President of Dartmouth College and former President of the World Bank is extremely concerned about the prenatal brain damage from Chlorpyrifos. He is also concerned that similar to Chlorpyrifos-virus interactions that are killing off America’s pollinators, the honey bee, there may be a wicked Chlorpyrifos-COVID-19 virus synergism (combination) that makes getting Covid lethal. Otherwise most people can recover from Covid. Especially employees of Corteva and Hartung Brothers may have Chlorpyrifos exposures that could possibly fatally combine with the Covid virus if they contract the Covid virus.
Fortunately our friends Corteva and Hartung Brothers have kindly and ethically moved their agricultural genetic engineering operations way back from Waimea and Kekaha and enclosed spraying of restricted use pesticides inside tents so the citizens of western Kauai will be safe from pesticide drift. There have been many benefits to mankind coming out of such biotech genetic research including the Covid vaccines.
However the employees of these biotech corporations can suffer severe health damage, especially if any pregnant women are spraying Chlorpyrifos inside those tents: their babies may have irreversible brain defects.
I lived in India. 300,000 Indian bt-cotton farmers bankrupted by Monsanto committed suicide, many by drinking Roundup. They were also demoralized because the left over bt-cotton plants fed to their sacred cows were causing health damage to their cows from Roundup residues and by the bt-insecticide. Monsanto refused to renegotiate contracts to prevent further bankruptcies as they witnessed suicides escalating. Environmental Sciences Europe published, 2014, that female rats eating Roundup developed tumors and rats eating the bt-insecticide in bt-corn developed serious health problems.
Hawaii needs to ban Chlorpyrifos immediately like Europe and California and create 1/4 pesticide buffers around all schools (and communities) like California and like Corteva and Hartung Brothers have ethically created. Even if Chlorpyrifos is banned other organophosphate insecticides like malathion, which is also related to Hitler’s nerve gasses, will be sprayed. So Hawaii’s 300 foot buffers are not at all safe.
Mexico is banning Roundup and Monsanto’s toxic bt-corn.
The French government is paying French farmers not to use Roundup. The study showing Roundup causes female rats especially to grow tumors was published by Dr Gilles-Eric Seralini of Caen University, where I was a student.
Why not serve healthy organic and non-GMO food in Hawaii school cafeterias like our friends the biotech corporations serve in their cafeterias?
Will Davis is a resident of Lihu‘e.
Correction to typo: Hawaii needs to create 1/4 MILE pesticide buffers around all schools like California and around all communities.
Otherwise these wicked organophosphate insecticides like Chlorpyrifos and malathion which destroy our kids brains, which are related to Hitler’s military nerve gasses, which are outlawed in Europe, and which the USA sprays on its farmlands on our food, will continue to discreetly destroy the people of Hawaii and the Native Hawaiian culture.
Thank you so much for your thoughtful letter. We need to keep bringing this up so that these chemicals are banned. Killing our reefs, permanently damaging our soils, polluting our water table, and causing devastating injury to our Keiki and Kupuna, just so some big corporations can make money has got to stop.
As long as we keep electing people who have ties to the chemical corporations, the poisoning of our island will continue. Check the contributions to the candidates and who they are employed by. Take the time and effort to become an informed voter. We can’t stop this destruction if we keep electing the same perpetrators.
Commenting on Will Davis’s letter, shame on our local and state governments for accepting these practices at the expense of the life and health of the citizens. Truly indicative of the character and integrity of the “leaders”.
Patrick H Flores, Wailua Houselots
Germany’s cabinet introduced legislation to join France and ban carcinogenic Roundup by 2024, partly to protect bees and other beneficial insects, reports Ken Roseboro, in the Organic & Mon-GMO Report, March/April 2021, p 39. https://www.google.com/amp/s/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN2AA1GF
I think the people I may know are retarded. Is this substance banned around the island. At 0.40 km buffer zones around schools? If so, how many more left until you wipe out all pesticides use? Is this into law? National level as compared to Waimea town. How are they enforcing this?
I’m from New Zealand. To make a long story short, in 1989 United Airlines Boeing 747 had a accident flight off Hawaii. It had to return when the cargo door opened and killed 9 people aboard that flight. What are the chances of someone getting cancer because of the use of this substance? Is it the same as this flight was to those who were aboard? Or is this not comparable? I think it is a comparable thing.
This study in Nature, debunks the claim by biotech corporations like Monsanto that their CRISPR-Cas genome editing used in the US food supply is precise and therefore safe. Clearly it wrecks chromosomal havoc and is dangerous. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-01906-4
Great article- Thank You…. .so many Kauai residents have cancer in their families…. so very sad… We need to further investigate how we are being exposed to these cancerous chemicals. How do we know if the vegetables grown on Kauai are safe to eat? Is there a place we can have this further tested? This is an extremely important subject that needs further follow-up.
Lots of facts, but no documentation. Some footnotes would have been nice.
The German government has started in motion to ban Roundup by 2024, joining France and Mexico. One reason is Roundup destroys bees and other useful insects. Here is the article: https://www.google.com/amp/s/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN2AA1GF
“In 2018, Hawaii became the first state to ban pesticides containing chlorpyrifos; its prohibition will take effect in 2022. New York lawmakers also approved legislation to ban the pesticide by late 2021.”
Dennis, B., Eilperin, Juliet. (2020, February 6). Trump has kept this controversial pesticide on the market. Now its biggest manufacturer is stopping production. Retrieved from https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2020/02/06/trump-kept-this-controversial-pesticide-market-now-its-biggest-manufacturer-is-stopping-production/
Dr Gilles-Eric Seralini is an exposed fraud as are his studies. Mr. Davis was connected to that, I’m not surprised.
Look Pal, this island tore itself in two for four years, before you arrived, as a result of the hyperbole you want to resurrect. No Thanks.
Kawika, here are only 53 references from Columbia University’s Dr Virginia Rauh’s study on brain defects caused by Chlorpyrifos. Reference: https://www.pnas.org/content/109/20/7871 You can see the diagrams in her study clearly showing IQ x exposure interactions and sex x exposure interactions from Chlorpyrifos.
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Kawika here is the link to the meta-analysis research finding Roundup increases cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, by 41%. There are 126 references supporting this conclusion which you can access here: