HANALEI — Professional surfer and Kaua‘i resident Bethany Hamilton announced on Twitter that she chose to take a challenge to abstain from social media.
Hamilton didn’t specify the length of time of her abstinence from social media from her phone. She is in her last trimester of her third pregnancy, and wants a break.
“I removed all of my social media from my phone, but I happened to have an older phone laying around, and I put it all on there,” Hamilton said. “It’s been incredibly freeing now that I don’t have easy access to my phone or my social platforms all of the time.”
Hamilton, who has two sons, Tobias and Wesley, with husband Adam Dirks, said abstaining from using social media on her phone has been therapeutic.
“I am spending a lot less time on social media,” Hamilton announced on Twitter. “I really like it. I love my family better, and I just enjoy the day. I can get work done a lot faster and have fewer distractions.
“This stemmed from wanting more privacy, and these media platforms have access to everything on your device,” Hamilton said. “You can be free from these things. Even though they are fun, they are not enhancing our life, in my opinion, and that can be good, too. I love this change I made.”
Hamilton is currently doing virtual motivational speaking and promoting her online course, “The Unstoppable Life,” which focuses on developing mentorships and community programs.
The program shares five steps to living what she refers to as an “unstoppable life.”
These steps include appreciation, direction, our associations, perseverance and being teachable.
Hamilton and her family will have a live-session baby sprinkle (intimate gathering smaller than a baby shower) at 3 p.m. Friday. In order to RSVP for the sprinkle, go to unstoppable.bethanyhamilton.com/babysprinkle/.