Only a few whales seen during count

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Sanctuary Ocean Count volunteers Mary Jane Burger and Steve Jackson scan the waters around the Kapa‘a Lookout Saturday during the first of three humpback-whale tallies.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Sanctuary Ocean Count volunteers Steve Jackson and Mary Jane Burger are isolated from the public in the grassy area off the Kapa‘a Lookout Saturday during the first of three humpback-whale counts.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Passing rain showers and cold, strong trade winds kept Sanctuary Ocean Count volunteers in their cars Saturday at Ahukini.

LIHU‘E — “We had several sightings early this morning,” said Mary Jane Burger, a Sanctuary Ocean Count volunteer Saturday at a remote site off the Kapa‘a Lookout. “Then the rains came, and nothing.”