St. Catherine marks Roe vs. Wade anniversary with prayer

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

About three dozen people recite the Rosary of Love, Friday marking the anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision on the sidewalk fronting the St. Catherine’s Church in Kapa‘a.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Kevin Clark leads an effort to undo damage from the brisk trade winds, Friday ahead of the Rosary of Life marking the anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

About three dozen people recite the Rosary of Life, Friday in front of a field of pinwheels at the St. Catherine’s Church in Kapa‘a.

KAPA‘A — As if by magic, the rains blanketing Kapa‘a and the neighboring communities stopped when the clock struck 3 p.m. Friday.