DOH announces two new cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday
Wednesday, January 1, 2021 11:30 am
LIHU‘E – The Hawai‘i State Department of Health Kaua‘i District Health Office reported two new cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday, Jan. 6.
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Cases, Cases, Cases -how many have even required hospitalization?
how many deaths?
I’d venture to say the hospital count is still 0. Except for one cases still on Oahu they like to mention every single day.
Been to the mainland lately, dude? I have. You might want to bring a few extra body bags with you.
Good news again, more cases with no symptoms and no complaints, just free testing to let us know we are inching forward to enough positive cases to reach Herd Immunity.
Amd let’s not forget that every positive case after 2 weeks, has no more active virus in their body, therefore that person is no longer contagious, they are immune, that are safe from re-infection, probably for life like measles, mumps, and chicken pox, and of course they have the coveted Herd Immunity to rid the island of this seasonal vírus, which we could have gotten rid of already if all this run from the vicious vir us by using mask, social distancing, etc., instead of facing the virus head on like every other yearly flu.
Proof that vaccines are not safe, especially hastily warp speed made ones, or ones with chimpanzee virus (AsrraZeneca’s vaccine), is that the, not that new of a law, disallows people from bringing a lawsuit against a pharmaceutical vaccine manufacturer.
That’s right the US Vaccine Court precludes vaccine manufacturer lawsuits in local jurisdictions, even though the US Vaccine Court has already awarded $4 Billion to people with vaccine injuries, including the lethal anaphylactic shock, and the affliction of life long autism amongst other vaccine injuries.
Those who are holding off and waiting, and exercising precautions and not lining up for the vaccine, would be wise to know that the vaccine side effects can take years to surface just like heart disease and stroke and cancer take years, even decades to, produce symptoms.
But let’s be thankful for those who rush in where wisemen and women fear to tread, allowing those with blind faith trust in anything médica, be the experimental guinea pigs, and why so many doctors and nurses are not taking the vaccine.
Better to err on the side of caution than to get a vaccine injury when the actual real Covid-19 virus provides a no symptoms experience for 98% of those who get the virus.
We know that there is Proof that some vaccines are not safe, especially hastily warp speed made ones, or ones with chimpanzee virus (AsrraZeneca’s vaccine), is that the, not that new of a law, disallows people from bringing a lawsuit against a pharmaceutical vaccine manufacturer.
That’s right the US Vaccine Court precludes vaccine manufacturer lawsuits in local jurisdictions, even though the US Vaccine Court has already awarded $4 Billion to people with vaccine injuries, including the lethal anaphylactic shock, and the affliction of life long autism amongst other vaccine injuries.
Those who are holding off and waiting, and exercising precautions and not lining up for the vaccine, would be wise to know that the vaccine side effects can take years to surface just like heart disease and stroke and cancer take years, even decades to, produce symptoms.
But let’s be thankful for those who rush in where wisemen and women fear to tread, allowing those with blind faith trust in anything médica, be the experimental guinea pigs, and why so many doctors and nurses are not taking the vaccine.
Better to err on the side of caution than to get a vaccine injury when the actual real Covid-19 virus provides a no symptoms experience for 98% of those who get the virus.
As a former resident of West Virginia, my parents was only two years old when we moved here. Actually Honolulu. We’ve visited Kaua’i many times. I think Kaua’i is doing a good job keeping things under control. Only 2 deaths. Great. Face mask and buying new ones I would assume. It looks to be a continuation of wearing this and a law now. I don’t see them stopping it. Unless you want to see 50 deaths on Kaua’i over the next year, that would be a disaster. So keep at it.
My parents lived well my Grand parents lived close to Huntington West Virginia. Close to the Marshall University Thundering herds and their stadium of the 1970s. You’ve heard of them. Right? Them.