Happy Camper for Monday, November 16, 2020

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Kumu Rhoda Libre dismisses hula practice with Kailani Orner (it’s her birthday), Ava Madden, Meila Anderson annd Hawea Ursomarso (missing is kane performer Damon Nakatani) at a Puhi park so they could go to Orly’s Patisserie and celebrate Kailani’s birthday Saturday.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Kailani Orner shows off her birthday pareu Saturday at Puhi Park Produce.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Justine Bennett (Manapua was hiding under the table) shows off two of the three Ekahi Canned Ahi Saturday at Puhi Park Produce — the yellow label is ginger citrus and the original label is Tahitian lime — where the produce and value-added dealers will be joined by Kaua‘i Made vendors Saturday.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Ella Marcil (she was doing cake pops at Halloween) and Jea Laganina of Kaua‘i Bakery remind a customer that the deadline for ordering Thanksgiving pies is this Saturday, Nov. 21, at the store in Kukui Grove Center.

Happy birthday, Kailani Orner, whose special day was reason to cut hula practice short (Puhi Park Produce is a great place to practice for the Moloa‘a girls, kumu Rhoda Libre said) so the group could visit Orly’s Patisserie for some celebratory souffle.